Or snowladies, rather. This little craft project was fun for my girls, the logistics of the footprint were a little difficult for me, but do-able, just have some baby wipes within arms reach and you're good!
For our version of the footprint snowman we decided to make a Christmas Throw Pillow that we could bring out every year :) So we printed on fabric, with fabric paint!

Here's how it turned out! The girls are so proud and I know it will be fun to pull this out for years to come!

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For our version of the footprint snowman we decided to make a Christmas Throw Pillow that we could bring out every year :) So we printed on fabric, with fabric paint!
Supplies:1 Piece Dark(ish) colored fabric for your background cut to appropriate size (or cut it later, just make sure your little footsies print in the center leaving you enough room)
2 pieces of fabric that overlap to match the size of the front (to be the back of the pillow)
White Fabric Paint
Black fabric pen (can't find mine, used a sharpie!)
Felt scraps and/or ribbon for hat, mittens and scarf
optional: cereal box and foil for makeshift paint tray :P hehe
Baby Wipes
Little Feet :)
First I made my tray by cutting one side off of a cereal box, taping the edges together and lining with foil, a simple paper plate would have done the job, but I didn't have one! Motherhood McGyver powers!
I helped little foot #1 press into the paint and then onto the fabric and then baby wiped the footie clean before setting her loose and repeating with footie #2.
Then we had to sidetrack ourselves for a little while to let the fabric paint dry. Hello, Charlie Brown Christmas!
Once it was dry I let the girls draw on the faces (just miss Y, 3, did this step), and pick and glue on their snowman accessories. I then sewed it up like a pillow cover like this:

Great idea!