

I am a 20-something (or let's face it, a LATE-20-something)  ughhh I'm welll into my 30s now :( wife, mama, and creative adventurer that sincerely believes that most items are just a little glitter and/or set of googly eyes away from fabulous! I am in LOVE with my Jesus, my family, chihuahuas, my sewing machine , Paris, Rae Dunn dishes and pumpkin spice lattes. This blog is kind of a mish mash of lifestyle & crafting.  I've staked a claim on this little corner of the internet as a place to share all the crafty tips and projects, recipes and activities, outfits and ideas that take place in our sweet little home along with all the other, ya know, not as inspired stuff :)

I hope you come back often and check out all the creative happenings I can't wait to share!